Saturday, March 28, 2020

Where to Get Coege Algebra Help

Where to Get Coege Algebra HelpIf you are looking for Coege Algebra help and don't know where to start, I would suggest that you look no further than the Internet. I would also suggest that you do a search of the phrase Coege Algebra help to find several resources. I would also suggest that you check out your local library.Some people may wonder why I would suggest that you do this rather than going to an English class or a book or using a library. Well, there are a couple of reasons.First, if you use a library, you may not be able to see the writing, which is what you will need to do when you are learning Coege Algebra. Second, if you go to an English class, you will be forced to listen to another person talk and this is not the way that you learn. Third, you may not be able to hear other people when they are talking. Fourth, you may end up with a tutor that you are comfortable with, which is not always the case with an English class.So, if you are looking for a way to learn English , make sure that you go to an English class first. Then, if you have a book, you can use it as a guide or reference when you use a tutor.When you are learning Coege Algebra, make sure that you go through the words and all of the spelling that is spelled out. You need to be able to read the sentences that are in front of you and decipher what the words mean. This will allow you to be able to understand what the teacher is talking about. This is much easier when you can hear the words and then say them out loud.You can't think of a better way to learn a new language than to listen to the spoken words that your instructor is teaching. It will also force you to re-examine any information that you have already learned. This is very important because when you re-examine your information, you are more likely to remember it better.So, whether you are learning English for yourself or you want to improve your language skills, you need to take advantage of the tools that you have at your dispo sal. Look for the tools that you find on the Internet, at your local library, and in your English class. Doing this will allow you to learn faster and to be able to access the information in a more efficient manner.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How To Stand Out During Your Second Interview

How To Stand Out During Your Second Interview Image via: In an interview with Forbes Magazine, Chantal Verbeek-Vingerhoed, the head of enterprise talent for ING gave an exact description of how in-depth the second interview will venture: “They dig deeper into your technical skills, and make connections about how you’d add value and solve issues in the department.” Needless to say, the second interview is a pretty big deal and to be successful, you must be as prepared as possible. Even though the invitation for a second interview is a call for some serious bragging rights, you can’t get too cocky. Remember, you are still a name on a list of applicants. The best thing you can do to completely blow away your interviewers is find a way to stand out from the crowd. Make your name and resume one to remember. Make yourself more than just a name tag and an email correspondence. Use the second interview to leave a lasting impact on the workplace, so much so that they can’t fathom ghosting you or not offering you a position. But how? You might ask. That’s what we’re here for. Keep reading for ways to stand out and blow away your interviewers during the second interview. Infographic by Tamiera Vandegrift Get Prepared Like in many aspects of life, failing to plan is planning to fail and the same principle applies for preparing for that second interview. You probably spent days reading articles about questions employers ask and probably begged your parents, your roommate, and your goldfish to run through practice interview questions with you all in preparation for the first interview. Now, even though you have passed that, you still need to prepare yourself for everything that the second round will have in store. First, the interview style itself will have likely changed into something different from the first interview. If the first interview seemed like more of an information session or a presentation, expect something like a QA panel or overall assessment for the second interview. If you interviewed with one or two people for the first interview, you should prepare to interview with a larger group of people in the second interview and vice versa. In order to stand out during your second interview, you need to be able to demonstrate that you can roll with the punches and do thorough research when necessary which leads to the next point. If you haven’t done extensive, thorough research on the company you are interviewing with to the point that you know your potential supervisor’s favorite color, then you definitely haven’t done enough. While we don’t encourage the actual stalking of your potential supervisor, it is important that you know everything you possibly can about the company and the position. The ideal candidate for a job is one that is actively passionate and interested enough in a position to use their free time to learn more about it and what they can do to fulfill that role. Plan to use the research and knowledge you’ve done to showcase the time and consideration you have put into the position. After all, wouldn’t you want your interviewers to put the same time and consideration into you? Lastly, you will definitely want to make a plan of what you want to talk about during the interview. Moments of awkward silence could hurt your chances of being memorable. Plan to talk about the thesis work you’ve completed in college. Make notes of the philanthropy activities you participated in with a Greek organization. Talk about any leadership roles you might have served. The more information you can provide to your interviewer, the more interesting you will seem and the more memorable you will stay. Build a Connection Interviews can be so scary and intimidating that we often forget that everyone in the conference room is still human. At some point during the day, we’re all going to trade our blazers and dress shoes for sweatpants and fuzzy socks. While you definitely don’t want to get too comfortable during an interview, you still want to find ways to build a genuine human connection with the people you’re interviewing with. For instance, when I was invited back for a second interview for a job in human resources, I noticed that one of the interviewers was an alumna from Florida State University, where I currently attend. I instantly struck up a conversation about her experiences at this university and all of a sudden, the ice was broken. I was no longer just a random applicant coming in for a quick interview session; I was a fellow Seminole at Florida State University. You can definitely bet that after I was hired, we would exchange a quick “Go ‘Noles” every time I passed her office or spent my lunchtime with her. While we aren’t all part of the garnet and gold family, there are tons of ways to build this sort of connection with your interviewer. Ask them questions about their background and life outside of work. You will still want to keep the questions appropriate and professional. For instance, ask them what university they went to or what they were involved with. If you’ve done research on your company and potential coworkers (which you definitely should have!), you should already know a little bit of background about your interviewers and if you feel comfortable enough, feel free to show that you’ve done your research by asking questions about the information you’ve discovered. They will be flattered that you took the time to get to know them on a deeper level than just an interviewer and they will be more likely to remember you as the candidate who cared. Image via: Ask Questions Speaking of asking questions, another great way to stand out is to have heavier questions that have in-depth answers. While you are trying to impress your interviewer during this process, you also need to make it clear that you are looking for ways that this position can benefit you and your career goals (without sounding too self-centered of course!). You want to ask questions that show that you’re interested in the position, not just the idea of having a position. For instance, you could ask about the company culture, the work-life balance, what a typical day would look like, why is the position open, and anything else that can give you a little bit of a hint as to what the atmosphere of the workplace is like. Doing this will serve two important purposes. First, it will definitely show your interviewers that you have put serious thought and consideration into the position and how you would fit into it. Second, it will give you the answers you need to make a well-informed decision about whether or not this position is right for you. It’s a win-win situation that will definitely benefit both parties. Bring a notebook and a pen to jot down your answers (Employers dig organization!) and ask away! Market Yourself If there’s anything more valuable than having enough experience to be considered for an interview, it’s having an excellent plan to market those experiences for an interview. During the first interview, the recruiters probably took a very quick glimpse at your resume just to make sure that you had the years of background necessary to qualify for the position. For the second interview, the recruiters will want to ask more in-depth questions and will expect more in-depth answers. For the sake of this, you will want to read up on your resume ahead of time and jot down any notable memories and experiences that you can recall during the interview. You might be surprised at how much of your career and volunteering experience could be notable and applicable towards a position. This is the point in the interview process where you need to thoroughly explain to your interviewer(s) how your previous experience can translate to the needs of the position. For instance, if the position you are interviewing for is calling for someone who is proficient with Microsoft Office products, use the interview as an opportunity to talk about how you kept track of your schedule or your club’s activities using Microsoft Excel. If the position you are interviewing for calls for a strong team player, tell your interviewers about your experience working as a summer camp counselor and how you worked with other counselors to make a worthwhile experience for kids. Any and all experiences, no matter how small they may seem, contribute toward a larger professional goal. Even the content you market on social media is significant. Don’t sell yourself short and don’t be shy. Now is your time to show what you’ve got and tell your interviewers why you would be the best match for t his position. However, you definitely should not fabricate information. Whatever you present to employers should be able to be backed up in some tangible way, whether it’s confirmation from a former coworker and/or employee or written and/or visual evidence of the work you’ve completed. Image via: Be Flexible While it’s definitely important to walk into the interview room feeling as prepared as possible, you also have to prepare to feel unprepared. Sometimes, employers will try to test their applicants by blindsiding them with difficult questions. This is done so that employers will see how well their applicants can think on their feet with little to no time to think. With modern workplaces becoming more and more fast-paced, it is important to prove to your interviewers that you can handle things on short notice without becoming flustered. This will also allow your true personality to shine through, which is really what employers crave the most. It’s also important to remember that there is a strong possibility of being asked the same questions multiple times. Keep in mind that not everyone you speak to during the second interview will be informed of what happened during the first interview. Answer the questions with kindness and patience no matter how many times you have been asked them. Don’t give a short answer or redirect them to the person you spoke with before. Remember: every person you speak to during these interviews is another person who can vouch for you when it is time to decide who is on the hiring block and who is on the chopping block. While you might walk into an interview feeling like you have done everything to prepare, you need to prepare to be flexible and go with the flow above all else. There is no telling where an interview will lead, so it’s important to roll with the punches and do your absolute best. When you get your invitation to return to a company for a second interview, rejoice. A potential employer has reviewed you and decided that you could be an excellent fit for their team. To stand out and succeed in impressing your interviewers, you need to make sure that you leave enough substance to be remembered by. Doing so could land you a spot in the next round of the hiring process, or even better, a spot on the newly hired list. Good luck!

7 Healthy Holiday Cookie Smoothies

7 Healthy Holiday Cookie Smoothies Image via Don’t even think about trying to attend a holiday party (or even walking into the grocery store) without immediately encountering these little devils. Come December and they are unavoidable. Although they may continuously surround you, it doesn’t mean that you should be indulging in every holiday treat that you see. Sometimes, it just truly isn’t worth it. Imagine how significantly the pounds would stack up if you gave in to every gingerbread man craving that struck?! This is why you should exercise culinary caution and consider all of your dessert-esque options. Biting into these baked delights isnt the only way you can enjoy them you can sip healthful smoothies  inspired by these treats, too.  Check out some of our favorite holiday cookie-flavored concoctions below. Cookies ‘n’ Cream Smoothie Image via Ingredients: •1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk •5 oz unsweetened vanilla yogurt •2 Tbsp almond butter •1 scoop Cookies ‘N Creme protein powder  (I use Quest Nutrition) •1 chocolate sandwich cookie, crumbled (optional) Directions: 1. Put all ingredients except cookie into blender and blend until smooth 2. Pour into large glass or mason jar and top with cookie crumbles Chocolate Peppermint Smoothie Ingredients: •1 cup ice cubes •1 cup unsweetened vanilla (or chocolate) almond milk •2 Tbsp chocolate nut butter •2-3 drops peppermint oil •1 30-gram scoop chocolate protein powder •1 candy cane, crushed •1/4 cup dark chocolate chips, melted Directions: 1. Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth 2. Pour into 8oz cup or mason jar, drizzle melted chocolate on, then sprinkle with crushed candy canes Cinnamon Roll Smoothie Ingredients: •1 frozen banana •1 cup almond milk • ¼ cup old fashioned oats •1 Tbsp brown sugar (or substitute of choice, like date or coconut sugar) •1 tsp cinnamon • ½ cup dairy-free yogurt Directions: 1. Place all ingredients into the blender and blend until smooth S’mores Smoothie Image via Ingredients: •1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk •3 Tbsp chocolate nut butter •1 scoop  chocolate protein powder •3 Tbsp crushed graham crackers + more for topping •Toasted marshmallow (to garnish) Directions: 1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth 2. Pour into glass and top with additional graham crackers and toasted marshmallow Ginger Snap Smoothie Image via Ingredients: •1.5 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk •3/4 cup frozen mashed sweet potato •1/4 cup yogurt •1 scoop vanilla protein powder •1 1/2 tsp black strap molasses •1/2 tsp ginger powder •1/4 tsp all spice •1/4 tsp nutmeg •Non-dairy whipped cream (optional) Directions: 1. Blend all ingredients together except whipped topping 2. Pour into a large mason jar and pipe whipped cream on top, then drizzle more black strap molasses, if desired Oatmeal Cookie Smoothie Ingredients: •1/4 cup old-fashioned oats •1 frozen (peeled) banana •1 cup unsweetened almond milk •1-2 Tbsp honey (to taste) •1/2 tsp ground cinnamon •1/2 tsp vanilla extract •1/4 tsp ground ginger •Pinch of nutmeg •Pinch of salt •(Optional: 1/4 cup raisins) Directions: 1. Add oats to blender, and pulse until finely ground 2. Add remaining ingredients and pulse until blended and smooth Cookie Dough Smoothie Image via Ingredients: •1.5 cups non-dairy milk of choice •2 Tbsp nut butter •1/8 tsp sea salt •1 tsp vanilla powder (can sub 2 tsp vanilla extract) •4 Tbsp maple syrup •6 Tbsp raw cacao nibs (can sub dark chocolate chips or shavings if desired) Directions: 1. Pour 3/4 cup milk into ice cube tray; freeze 6 hours, or until completely solid. Blend remaining 3/4 cup liquid milk with nut butter, vanilla, sea salt and maple syrup until very smooth. 2. Add milk ice cubes and blend until just smooth and no ice cube chunks remain (dont over blend, or the ice will begin to melt, and youll lose that delicious milkshake consistency). 3. Pulse in cacao nibs until theyre evenly distributed and flecked throughout milkshake, but not completely incorporated (recipe serves two).

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Back to school how to create good study habits

Back to school how to create good study habits After the long summer break it is difficult to get back into good study habits, especially while the sun is still shining outside. However, with a bit of forward planning, breaking back into an academic routine can be easier than expected. The six P's mnemonic comes into play here: Proper Preparation Prevents Pretty Poor Performance. Students need to ensure they have all the back to school essentials, textbooks, stationery, clothing etc. Starting a 'working' routine a week or so before the end of the holiday also helps. This means going to bed and getting up at the same sort of time as on a school night. By getting the body back into a routine, the physical impact of going back to school is minimised and it becomes easier to cope with the sudden onslaught, without facing excessive exhaustion or broken sleep. Knowing the timetable for the year quickly and intimately can increase awareness of responsibilities and teachers' trends in setting homework. This more easily allows a balance between school and social life to be found. It can also help in the production of a year-long study plan, especially helpful in exam years, to avoid undue stress at certain times. If you plan to hire a private tutor, start looking around now: don't leave it until there's a huge pile of exam revision to get through. What study practices have you found work over the years and what advice would you give to current pupils who are headed back to school next week? Is it merely a case of discipline and getting into a new routine, or are there some useful 'short-cuts' that could be suggested?

Shielding Definition Chemistry

Shielding Definition ChemistryWhile science and technology are far more advanced today than they were when hydrogen was discovered, there is still no universally accepted definition of shielding. That is, it is not an acceptable scientific term, not yet, so much as a term of art. It is defined in the title of one of the popular scientific papers on shielding, written by a team of physicists from the University of California at Berkeley. Here's a description of what they have to say:'In laboratory experiments, the most widely used gases, liquids, and solids for the purpose of shielding are most often inert gases, usually nitrogen, oxygen, or argon. But even these gases are not immune to potential collisions with subatomic particles or heat from a plasma or xenon, and hence the limits of shielding have been extended into the realm of atoms. An atom is defined by its mass and spin, with the atomic number associated with the element that contains it being part of the shielding definition s of elements that are separated by two atoms. By using the atomic weight scale as the basis for shielding, researchers can classify the fundamental components of an atom by mass.'Not only are the names of physical constants (on which scientists rely for their equations) now more descriptive than they have ever been before, but the descriptions of their properties also stretch beyond the point of being literally true. In fact, many scientists have noted that the descriptions of physical constants that appear in textbooks as definitions were never intended to be used as literal translations. They are more like 'what scientists think about a number of times and say means x' than literal translations of numbers. To many physicists, that actually makes the data more interesting and allows the scientist to be more creative with the words.The shield was first described by Le Verrier and Robert Boyle, who referred to it as a class of laws or definitions. And while they referred to it as a 'class', the definition came to be known as an atom, and subsequently, the first definition of shielding chemistry.Tshielding definition chemistry Unlike a definition in a physics textbook, the definition of shielding chemistry is actually quite simple, and often very beautiful. If you look at it analytically, you can see that each atom has a specific relationship to other atoms. A specific property that the atoms all share is that they have electron charge. An atom with more electrons is called a pion, while an atom with fewer electrons is called a picon.A shield is a device that separates atoms so that only a specific group of electrons can pass through one of the shielding boundaries, and the system cannot have more than one of these types of boundary. For example, a 'porous' solid will have barriers that separate it into many layers, so that one can never be struck by the flow of electrons. As an example, a soda bottle will have a few overlapping barriers, such as those between the bottom and the top.The pion or picon is the most common type of solid that we use, because they are made from silicon and carbon. There are others that are made from other elements, such as zinc, or molybdenum, and that need shielding to maintain their properties.

iPhone Apps That Help With College Algebra

iPhone Apps That Help With College AlgebraiPhone apps that help with college algebra can provide great benefits for students. Since so many students take classes using their phones, apps to help with college algebra are sure to be a hit. There are many apps available to help with college algebra. This article will provide you with the best ones.ILS, or Integrated Learning System, is one of the best apps that help with college algebra. It provides detailed and precise information about the answer key, action steps, and exercises. The ILS calculator has a special feature where all the answers are highlighted to make it easier for the student to work out the answers. The calculator also makes a difference between answers that are correct and incorrect.If you have never used an app like this, this might not be the right app for you. The ILS app does not have any learning exercises. This means that your only learning exercises are the ones that you have created. The one exercise in the ap p is the section that asks you to rearrange a set of digits.Some people might think that the calculator app will not help with college algebra. That is because it is only meant for specific math skills. It will not allow you to do any advanced math that may be needed for college. That is why it is not as useful as it sounds. However, there are some apps that will help with college algebra that will have advanced features.The Workbook Pro, for example, is one of the best apps that help with college algebra. It allows students to create their own worksheets that they can share with other students. There are many different resources for this app. However, this may not be as useful for you if you already have a PDF file with all the needed calculations.If you decide to download one of these apps from Apple, you will want to make sure that it is free. A lot of them are very expensive. Make sure that the price is worth the benefits that you get from the app.This calculator app will help w ith college algebra. So, if you want to learn how to perform advanced math on your phone, then you should download one of these apps today.

7 Online Resources to Take Your Homework Up a Notch

7 Online Resources to Take Your Homework Up a Notch Suzy S. Looking for some web-based tools to really amp up your presentations, essays, and studying? Check out these seven online resources for students in this guest post by former English teacher Robert Morris Who doesn’t like learning? The process of discovering new worlds and concepts you didn’t know existed is always exciting. Although your teachers can make the classes boring, that doesn’t mean that learning cannot be fun. Whenever you need help with certain lectures, you can rely on online tools to help you discover a whole new world waiting to be explored. When the lessons are accompanied with images and infographics, it is easier for you to remember the details and have a starting point to build knowledge upon. At, you can explore thousands of infographics that make the learning process easy and fun. What’s even better, you can create your own infographics as a way of representing what you have learned. NinjaEssays What do you do when you find yourself struggling with writing assignments? You turn to, of course! With the help of this website, there is no academic writing task that’s impossible to achieve. You’ll get to collaborate with expert writers and learn from their knowledge, talent and experience. Moreover, you can also hire great editors to cover the final stages of the writing process and make your own content flawless. Your teacher will be happy with the results! Thinglink Let’s explain the benefits of this tool through an example: you can get the map of Washington, D.C. and use it to explain how a bill is turned into a law over the Capitol building. That explanation can be provided by a link to a website, text, or an embed code for a video. When you’re looking for a simple and quick, but effective way to add more dynamic to your school projects, Thinglink is the way to go. Ipiccy If you need to edit an image, Photoshop may be too complicated. Ipiccy enables you to resize and crop the image, as well as add great effects and filters. If something doesn’t turn out the way you wanted to, you can easily undo the actions. Of course, Ipiccy enables you to treat images in a more sophisticated way too, so its fun to discover its layers and advance your skills step by step. Padlet All students love it! This virtual board enables you to add and arrange different sticky notes. By personalizing and organizing your notes, you will make the learning process easier than ever. You can turn your Padlet board into a scrollable blog where you can post interesting online resources, as well as your personal writings on the concepts you learn at school. WeVideo Your teacher assigned a video project and you don’t know where to start? This web-based video editing tool will enable you to transform the exhausting process into a fun experience. As soon as you start using WeVideo, you’ll realize how fun video projects can really be. The tool enables you to upload content, mute parts of the base video, add your own narration, and publish the final product in different file sizes. In addition, you can also add transitions, effects, and themes to make the video look more professional. BigHugeLabs How about making fun trading cards, posters, and presentations? BigHugeLabs is one of the most effective educational tools for K-12 students. Here is a great example of how you can use it: create a movie poster for the book you just read. Feature characters and themes that convey its essence; that’s a guaranteed way that you’ll remember the story forever. When studying and writing gets boring, turn to technology!  The process of studying can be exhausting at times, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find an easy way to complete the projects and learn the lessons. With the seven online resources for students listed above, you can approach learning from a new angle that will not only make the experience fun, but will also result with better grades. Need extra help with your studies? Working with a private tutor can give you the one-one-one guidance you need. Find a tutor in your area here! Robert Morris is a homeschooling dad from New York, circle him on  Google+. Now Robert is in the process of writing his first book. He was working as an English teacher for 5 years. Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo  by  USAG-Humphreys